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Keeping Children Safe

Key Documents

Online Safety

At Moulsham Junior School we take the issue of Internet Safety very seriously.  The internet is a fantastic resource, but it can also bring risks.

We work with our pupils in school to help them understand the dangers and learn how to keep themselves safe.



Click CEOP

The CEOP  (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) logo pictured here is on a lot of social networking sites.  It is the Advice, Help and Report button.  Clicking on it will take you to their website, where you can easily follow links for help if you are a parent or child.




Highly recommended is the Thinkuknow website.  Click the image to go to the website and get the latest safety information.

This is an education initiative by CEOP - the UKs national law enforcement agency that focusses on tackling online abuse of children.

Your guide to Keeping Children Safe Online https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/online-safety/