Moulsham Junior School is proud to be the host of a KS3 enhanced provision for students with SEMH Needs.
Our provision reflects the values of the Essex Approach to understanding behaviour and supporting emotional wellbeing known as Trauma Perceptive Practice (TPP)
- Compassion and Kindness
- Hope
- Connection and Belonging
We offer support and advice to all Secondary Schools in Mid-Essex and can offer up to 8 placements to young people who would benefit from a more bespoke transition from KS2 to KS3.
In order to best prepare these students for a successful start in mainstream secondary school, the enhanced provision works in partnership with the young person, their family and their allocated Secondary School.
Referrals can be made in Year 6 by Primary Schools, in partnership with the receiving Secondary School, or by Secondary Schools in Year 7 or 8.
The enhanced provision offers a mixture of therapeutic, social and academic activities, focusing on the young person’s strengths; before gradually building in areas of specific need or challenge. With support, time in the Secondary school will gradually be increased - the focus being, that the young person will return to their mainstream school full-time.
For further information, please contact:
Jo Brown, Head of Provision, or complete the ‘Request for support’ and send securely to