Our aim at Moulsham Junior School is to offer a broad and balanced curriculum which inspires children to achieve excellence and enjoyment in their learning. We have worked together as a staff to devise a series of topics for each year group which provides wide and varied opportunities for academic achievement across all subjects. These topics allow children to be enthused and engaged through a cross curricular approach which also links to current topical issues or fun stimulating environments. The topics include such titles as Secrets and Spies as well as the more traditional ones of Space Invaders and Rainforests. Through this cross curricular approach we aim to nurture and develop pupils' skills and talents through the breadth and creativity of the curriculum in school and in extra-curricular activities.
Where appropriate single subject teaching also takes place especially in English and Maths although links to other curricular areas are often made to enable children to apply lifelong skills in a variety of scenarios. Computing is a key area of the curriculum and with our extensive computer network, numerous computers, i-pads, laptops and interactive whiteboards in each classroom, the library and music room, we are well equipped to meet this challenge. Through the use of the learning platform Purple Mash we are able to enrich children’s learning and teach them about E-Safety to equip them for the future.
In English we use a combination of reading books including Oxford Reading Tree and Project X. Children progress through the different stages of these books towards being a free reader whereby they choose their own books from home or class libraries. Children who require extra support with their reading are also heard read by other adults on a regular basis as well as reading with their class teacher in a group. During Years 4 and 5 we focus on challenging children to read a wide and extensive amount of literature through Renaissance Reading where children are rewarded with points and certificates for their reading.
We aim for Mastery in Maths. Through mastery teaching we ensure that children have a long-term understanding of a skill, enabling manipulation in different contexts, justification and reasoning.
If you wish to find more out about the curriculum within our school please contact the curriculum leader- Mrs Matthews